Gameday is fun for everyone.
The players get to test themselves and their fans get to have a great time playing games, hanging out, and eating some great food. The food can set the mood and keep your group happy for hours. Making sure to have the right BBQ food is one step to having a fun time. There are some grilling mistakes that we always hear about.
Keep reading to learn what grilling mistakes you need to avoid at your next BBQ tailgate party.
1. Dumping in the Lighter Fluid
Most people want to get the fire going quickly. It can be tempting to throw a bunch of fluid on the coals to get them going right away. This approach usually creates a flash fire that can burn off your eyebrows. Also, extra lighter fluid can pool and cause random flare-ups while you cook. Instead, try using charcoal with lighter fluid already in it, self-starting coals.
2. Getting too Close to Cars or Parties
Being in the thick of things is fun. When a party is happening, even the cook doesn’t want to be left out of the fun while taking care of the food. However, the cook more than anyone else needs to keep safety in mind. The heat of the grill could impact the paint on cars. The flames could also send embers onto tents, tables, or chairs. Keep your grill away from anything flammable.
3. Having Unclean Hands
Food safety is always important. When people grill, they often forget to take steps to be safe. Handling any meat with unclean hands is a good way to get a disease. Though you might be throwing the football around in the meantime, make sure to clean up before getting back to the food. Paper towels and hand sanitizers are your friend. Disposable gloves are even better for touching the food.
4. Improperly Using a Meat Thermometer
Meat thermometers make a big difference in cooking, especially grilling. If you take your food off too soon, you risk disease; if you take it off too late, you risk ruining the food. Too many people just stick it into the top of the meat - making the reading inaccurate. Try sticking the thermometer into the side of the meat so you can get right to the center of it.
5. Leaving Your Grill Alone
Tailgates are fun events to attend. Spending time with friends and family, hanging out, and having fun before the big game is a good time. There are tons of distractions at a tailgate. A smart griller knows to stay on top of the grill. Leaving it alone means you won’t be prepared to react if there is a flare-up and someone walking by could get hurt. Make sure you stay right next to the grill. It is a big responsibility, make sure you own it!
Have Fun at Your BBQ Tailgate!
While the players are getting ready and doing the main show, you and your friends get to have fun. Enjoy some great food and fun with the people you love spending time with. Make the game day even easier by having your food catered from Famous Dave’s. Either have the food delivered or pick it up at the nearest location